Frequently asked questions

Your ques­ti­ons, our ans­wers: We have put tog­e­ther a sum­ma­ry of some of the ques­ti­ons we get asked the most here at the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy. If you can­not find the ans­wer to your ques­ti­on here, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to get in touch!

At this point, we would like to high­light the fol­lowing: Pro­vi­ded that one Bava­ri­an part­ner is invol­ved in your pro­ject or you are plan­ning to join an R&I pro­ject with Bava­ri­an part­ners, you will be enti­t­led to make full use of our advi­so­ry and sup­port ser­vices during the app­li­ca­ti­on pro­cess, nor­mal­ly free of any charge.

What is the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agency?

We are the Free Sta­te of Bavaria’s cen­tral point of con­ta­ct for all mat­ters rela­ted to rese­arch and inno­va­ti­on fun­ding, tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer, patents and licen­ces. Under the umbrel­la of the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy, four inde­pen­dent orga­ni­sa­ti­ons fun­ded by the Free Sta­te of Bava­ria work tog­e­ther, each focu­sing on a dif­fe­rent area: Bava­ri­an Rese­arch Alli­an­ce GmbH, Baye­ri­sche For­schungs­stif­tung, Baye­ri­sche Patent­al­li­anz GmbH and Bay­ern Inno­va­tiv GmbH.

Whe­re is the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy based?

We have offices in Nur­em­berg and Munich. Bay­FOR also has an EU liai­son office in Brussels. Plea­se see the contact/directions sec­tion for the exact addresses.

Whe­re does the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy get its funding?

The Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy is fun­ded by the Bava­ri­an Sta­te Minis­try of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art.

When was the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy first founded?

The Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy first ope­ned in Nur­em­berg on 28 June 2010, when it was known as “Haus der For­schung” (“House of Rese­arch”) and made up of four part­ner orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. The four part­ners moved into their shared office buil­ding in Munich in autumn 2011. The Baye­ri­sche Patent­al­li­anz GmbH joi­ned the Agen­cy on 1 Janu­a­ry 2016, adding to the collec­ti­ve ran­ge of services.

What exact ser­vices does the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy have to offer?

Our ran­ge of ser­vices is excep­tio­nal­ly diver­se, stret­ching from the initi­al idea for a pro­ject all the way through to con­ver­ting rese­arch and inno­va­ti­on fin­dings into a spe­ci­fic app­li­ca­ti­on. We act as a pro­gram­me admi­nis­tra­tor and fun­ding body. Fur­ther­mo­re, we offer infor­ma­ti­on, advice and con­cre­te sup­port on app­li­ca­ti­ons for fun­ding oppor­tu­nities, help to bring tog­e­ther poten­ti­al pro­ject part­ners, and pro­vi­de sup­port with pro­ject imple­men­ta­ti­on. We also help you to show­ca­se and mar­ket your deve­lo­p­ments and offer infor­ma­ti­on on patents, finan­cing and start-ups.

Who is able to make use of the ser­vices offe­red by the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agency?

Our ser­vices are open to any Bava­ri­an play­er inte­res­ted in what we do: Uni­ver­si­ties, rese­arch insti­tu­tes, busi­nes­ses (par­ti­cu­lar­ly small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses), start-ups, han­di­c­raft busi­ness, and many more.
For­eign orga­ni­sa­ti­ons who are keen to work with Bava­ri­an orga­ni­sa­ti­ons on an R&I pro­ject are also enti­t­led to make use of our services.

Do I have to start working with the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy right from the out­set or am I able to get in touch when my pro­ject is alrea­dy well underway?

You can con­ta­ct us at any point in your plan­ning or project.

How much do you char­ge for your advi­so­ry services?

The Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy is finan­ced by the Free Sta­te of Bava­ria. This means that we are able to pro­vi­de advice for free. We will always let you know if we offer ser­vices that invol­ve a ser­vice char­ge or any fees (e.g. con­gres­ses, tra­de fair par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, trai­ning events).

Are the ser­vices offe­red by the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy restric­ted to Bavaria?

Becau­se we are finan­ced by the Free Sta­te of Bava­ria, our ser­vices are gea­red towards Bava­ri­an play­ers. This not only enab­les us to pro­vi­de them with fun­ding from Bava­ria, but means we can also help them to app­ly for Ger­man and Euro­pean fun­ding. If their rese­arch and inno­va­ti­on pro­ject also invol­ves other part­ners from other Ger­man sta­tes or other coun­tries, the­se part­ners will of cour­se bene­fit indi­rect­ly from our advice and support.

Would it be pos­si­ble to get the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy invol­ved in our event?

We would be hap­py to show­ca­se our ser­vices as part as your infor­ma­ti­on event or work­shop. We can also dis­cuss spe­ci­fic topics that are of spe­cial inte­rest to you. Just let us know.

Whe­re can I find out more about the ser­vices offe­red by the indi­vi­du­al part­ner orga­ni­sa­ti­ons that make up the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agency?

If you are keen to find out more about the indi­vi­du­al orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, you can visit their web­sites to gain a com­pre­hen­si­ve overview:

Bava­ri­an Rese­arch Alli­an­ce GmbH: www​.bay​for​.org/​e​n​g​l​ish
Baye­ri­sche For­schungs­stif­tung: for​schungs​stif​tung​.de/​W​e​l​c​o​m​e​.​h​tml
Baye­ri­sche Patent­al­li­anz GmbH: www​.baypat​.de/​en/
Bay­ern Inno­va­tiv GmbH: www​.bay​ern​-inno​va​tiv​.de/​?​E​d​i​t​i​o​n​=en