
Central editorial office

Bay­ern Inno­va­tiv GmbH
Tull­nau­park 8
D-90402 Nuremberg
Pho­ne: +49 (0)911 20671-0
Fax: +49 (0)911 20671-792
Web­site: www​.bay​ern​-inno​va​tiv​.de

Contact person for the web contents of the Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH

Mar­tin Reichel
Prinz­re­gen­ten­stra­ße 52
D-80538 Munich
Pho­ne: +49 (0)89 9901888-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 9901888-29

Contact person for the web contents of the Bavarian Research Foundation (Bayerische Forschungsstiftung)

Dr. Chris­ti­an Haslbeck
Prinz­re­gen­ten­stra­ße 52
D-80538 Munich
Pho­ne: +49 (0)89 210286-3
Fax: +49 (0)89 210286-55

Contact person for the web contents of the Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH

Dr. Robert Phelps
Des­tou­ch­es­str. 68
D-80796 Munich
Pho­ne: +49 (0)89 5480177-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 5480177-99

Contact person for the web contents of Bayern Innovativ GmbH

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Tull­nau­park 8
D-90402 Nuremberg
Pho­ne: +49 (0)911 20671-0
Fax: +49 (0)911 20671-792

Contact person for the web contents of the Projekttraeger Bayern – ITZB

Rai­ner Lorenz
Mana­ging Director
Tull­nau­park 8
D-90402 Nuremberg
Pho­ne: +49 (0)911 20671-611
Fax: +49 (0)911 20671-650

Web design & programming

art180 | Chris­ti­an Michelbach
Bich­lberg 3
82211 Herr­sching am Ammersee


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 Terms and conditions of use

All text, images and gra­phics on this web­site, as well as its design, are pro­tec­ted under copy­right law. You may only use them for pri­va­te and other per­so­nal pur­po­ses wit­hin the frame­work of § 53 Copy­right Act (Urhe­ber­rechts­ge­setz; UrhG). The repro­duc­tion or use of this site or parts the­re­of in other elec­tro­nic or prin­ted media and their publi­ca­ti­on is only per­mit­ted with our con­sent. This is gran­ted by the cen­tral edi­to­ri­al office upon request. Fur­ther­mo­re, text, images, gra­phics and other files may be sub­ject in who­le or in part to the copy­right of third par­ties. The cen­tral edi­to­ri­al office will also pro­vi­de you with fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the exis­tence of pos­si­ble third-party rights.

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Slider elements

Pho­to Bernd Sibler: Bava­ri­an Sta­te Minis­try of Edu­ca­ti­on, Sci­ence and the Arts
Pho­to Ilse Aigner: Bava­ri­an Sta­te Minis­try of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Media, Ener­gy and Technology
#76157272: AdobeStock/fotogestoeber
Sport Infi­ni­ty: adidas
#33503301: AdobeStock/ag visuell
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#53487646: AdobeStock/Syda Productions
#100793178: AdobeStock/Coloures-pic
#9779137_Xlarge: iStock


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#33503301: AdobeStock/ag visuell
#80267351: AdobeStock/ShpilbergStudios
#54669330: AdobeStock/Maksim Kabakou
#69622173: AdobeStock/Minerva Studio
#42425262: AdobeStock/Olivier Le Moal

Our Ser­vices

#487581824: Thinkstock/lightkitegirl
#33503301: AdobeStock/ag visuell
#80267351: AdobeStock/ShpilbergStudios
#54669330: AdobeStock/Maksim Kabakou
#69622173: AdobeStock/Minerva Studio

News & Events


#100793178: AdobeStock/Coloures-pic
#117710551: AdobeStock/Sergey Nivens
#19592753: iStockphoto/luchschen
#28376049: AdobeStock/alphaspirit
#54669330: AdobeStock/Maksim Kabakou
MatX 2018: iStock/choreograph


Plea­se see copy­right infor­ma­ti­on in each sepa­ra­te news sec­tion under “events” and “suc­cess stories”.

Success stories

#42425262: AdobeStock/Olivier Le Moal
EIT Raw­Ma­te­ri­als: EIT RawMaterials
FORGLAS | Har­Win | InDe­WaG: Uni­ver­si­ty of Bayreuth
Sport Infi­ni­ty: adidas

About Us

Pho­to Hor­st See­ho­fer: Bava­ri­an Sta­te Chancellery
Pho­to Ilse Aigner: Bava­ri­an Sta­te Minis­try of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Media, Ener­gy and Technology
Pho­to Dr. Lud­wig Spa­en­le: Bava­ri­an Sta­te Minis­try of Edu­ca­ti­on, Sci­ence and the Arts
Por­trät Dr. Rai­ner Seß­ner: Bay­ern Innovativ/ Vere­na Kaister


#81259605: AdobeStock/niroworld
#46488395: AdobeStock/JiSign
Maps: BayFOR


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Our own con­tent is to be dif­fe­ren­tia­ted from refe­ren­ces or links to the web­sites of other ope­ra­tors. The­se links are pro­vi­ded sole­ly to per­mit you access to third par­ty con­tent in accordance with § 8 Ger­man Tele­me­dia Act (Tele­me­di­en­ge­setz). On first lin­king to the­se web­sites, we che­cked this third-party con­tent as to whe­ther it might give rise to a civil or cri­mi­nal lia­bi­li­ty. We can­not howe­ver check this con­tent con­stant­ly for chan­ges and the­re­fo­re accept no respon­si­bi­li­ty for it. The respec­ti­ve ope­ra­tor of the site shall bear sole lia­bi­li­ty for any ille­gal, incor­rect or incom­ple­te con­tent and, in par­ti­cu­lar, for any dama­ges incur­red as a result of the use or fail­u­re to use the infor­ma­ti­on of third parties.

Gender reference

For ease of legi­bi­li­ty and to make the text more user-friendly, we have opted not to use the male and fema­le pro­nouns simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. The use of the male form shall be deemed to inclu­de the fema­le form.